Saturday, 17 May 2014

If wishes were horses, would you ride........

Uhmmmm......., thinking within myself if I CAN, but another thought came that I CAN AND I WILL.
Is God actually seeing all that is going on, does He even know I talk to him, does He even know I exist?, I kept asking myself different questions, why am I passing through all of these, I look for who I can talk to, everybody kept on mentioning God.
I believe in God o and I knows He works wonders, but I still dont believe why I am passing through all these stress, everyone is telling me to believe and have faith,  am conniving my faith with everyone that is talking to me about believing in God, because I believe with God all things are possible, I dont want to be shakened, frightened or depressed at all, my blessed days and my best days are soon to come, I know the trouble am facing now, I will see them no more, IT IS WELL WITH ME.

Saturday, 10 May 2014


Finish before you start, settle it fIirst in His presence, begin that journey as a finisher, begin that business as a success story.
Start with God and win before the battle begins, that means before the battle you have your victory, before the test, you have the testimony, before the pain, you have your gain,before you start,you have finished, before your enemies release the arrow of shame, God has already created your fame, what your enemy plan to destroy you will instruct you.
One of the most powerful ways to secure victory and Good success for you is to take time to start anything and everything with God.
Refuse to key Into what uncle or aunty can do for you, refuse to key into what one trusted friend has said or has done, but key into God because he that starts with God put himself above the world.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Look at yourself : complete with 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, fearfully and wonderfully made by God, yet you say you can't make it. There is no difficulty that cannot be defeated. There is no victory that cannot be achieved, if you believe in God and in yourself, a better tomorrow lies ahead of you.